Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Future Project #1

This is my first post involving projects that I want to do at some point. There will many of these types of posts, trust me. I follow a lot of different blogs and sometimes one of their posts makes me really excited. This one did. It's called How to Make a Succulent Terrarium and it's written by an awesome blogger I've found recently named Thrifty Decor Chick. Terrariums have made a huge comeback recently. I've been seeing how-to's and DIY links on Pinterest for awhile now. But they're so cute and pretty I can't see any reason why people wouldn't love to make one themselves. Here is a picture of TDC's beautiful new terrarium: 

I've also been seeing these types of plants around a lot of different stores. Most recently at Lowe's. My husband, C., and I went there on Monday because I was in search of vegetable plants. After seeing me plant green beans, C. expressed interest in growing peas, or rather, adding them to my growing collection of plants. Either way, he was excited about the mission of finding seeds. But after I found the two cucumber plants and the eggplant I wanted, I strolled around the entire plant section at Lowe's admiring the plants. We happened upon the terrarium-type plants about the same time C. found a bonsai tree and a venus fly trap. Now, in a competition, I'd say that those two types of plants are definitely more exciting than terrarium plants so my attention went to those instead of trying to decide which little terrarium plant to buy. But sometime soon I will go back and rescue a few of those pretty little plants.

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